Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Hacking through keyloggers

Everyone wants to be a hacker,it sounds cool to be a hacker and today i am going to introduce with something that will help you to start your journey as a hacker.

I am going to tell you about keyloggers ,
these softwares are used to record each and every keystroke by a user on a computet and saves it into a log (.txt)file  that's why they are called keyloggers.
How to use:
-Download(Google it and select one which suits you best)
-There will be a set of shortcut keys you can find in readme or help menu to open the keylogger
-after installation hide the keylogger from reach of others
-now you can use the shortcut keys to open the Keylogger and others cant see it.
-You can start monitring(start recording key strokes)

Now every time someone uses your system you can get all his/her keystrokes in a log file (view logs option is always in toolbar) you can hack others fb,gmail,yahoo passwords etc.

Some keyloggers can be used to hack others computer remotely by sending them an email containing keylogger file but i don't know much about this but you can google it and know more about it.

NOTE: Hacking is an illegal act.

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